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ChatGPT Certainly! To add a new selection for the "Expiration_Date__c" field, you can follow these steps: Add a new label for "Expiration_Date__c" and an input field for it inside the form. You can use a similar structure as the "Warranty_Start_Date__c" field. Here's the modified code: html Copy code

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Now, the form includes an "Expiration_Date__c" field. Users will be required to enter the expiration date in the MM/DD/YYYY format, similar to the "Warranty_Start_Date__c" field. User Please apply all date formatting to the expiration date that was applies to the purchase date. ChatGPT Certainly! You can modify the formatDateInput function to apply the same date formatting to the "Expiration_Date__c" field as it does to the "Warranty_Start_Date__c" field. Here's the modified code: html Copy code

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Now, both the "Warranty_Start_Date__c" and "Expiration_Date__c" fields will have the same date formatting applied when the user enters a date. User Please add a new selection into the email, under purchase date, with the field name of 'Expiration_Date__c'. Apply all date formatting to the expiration date that was applies to the purchase date. Please return all code, including CSS and javascript.

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ChatGPT Certainly! I've modified the code to include the necessary changes for the "Expiration_Date__c" field, applying the same date formatting as the "Warranty_Start_Date__c" field: html Copy code